Company Tax
Tax is a component of shareholder value and so is not just the concern of the tax department. A company's combined direct and indirect tax burden can represent a huge sum, while there can be significant penalties in failing to get the compliance process right. Tax therefore plays a key role in protecting and enhancing shareholder value.
Personal Tax
How can you be sure you are not paying too much tax? Are you risking penalties because you are paying too little? What steps are available for you to pass on your personal wealth to your family? Every taxpayer asks these questions, regardless of their employed, self-employed or retired status.
Trusts & Partnerships Tax
When establishing a trust, partnership or other structure, careful consideration needs to be given to the particular tax issues that arise. It is especially important to ensure that before any fundamental changes to a trust are made, a resettlement has not been triggered. ATP Group Taxation team provide valuable advice on the optimal structure for business operation and investments.